Eastwood Walk (Tulaba's Track) - Bairnsdale (No 4)

Evergreen Way, Wy Yung VIC 3875, Australia

Eastwood Walk (Tulaba's Track) - Bairnsdale (No 4)

Evergreen Way, Wy Yung VIC 3875, Australia

Staff Pick
1 h 8 m
4.56 km

The walk has a number of ways to get around the community and this is version 4. There are other walks around this area that allow for disabled access such as for wheel chairs and this is one.

Eastwood Walk (Tulaba's Track) - Bairnsdale (No 4)

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The walk has a number of ways to get around the community and this is version 4. There are other walks around this area that allow for disabled access such as for wheel chairs and this is one.


The walk has a number of ways to get around the community and this is version 4.
There are other walks around this area that allow for disabled access such as for wheel chairs and this walk is possibly suitable for experience wheelchair users and those with wheelchairs suitable for gravel tracks etc. Dogs are allowed on this walk so long as they are on the lead. All droppings are to be collected as there are $100 fines and the area is patrolled by rangers. There are wonderful wetland areas with bird wildlife. Look up at some of the taller guns as nesting Galahs, Cockatoos, Ibis, Parrots and other birds can easily be found.

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Points of Interest

1. The Eastwood IGA shopping centre is a good start

The Eastwood IGA is a great place to start and finish as it has a good sized car park and provides amenities

2. Safe road crossing

Cross the main road here

3. exercise equipment

There is all manner of community exercise equipment around the oval

4. Bairnsdale Vet

There is a Vet here

5. Wide streets and footpaths

There are wide streets and footpaths for walkers and wheelchairs alike

6. More exercise equipment

Have some fun with the exercise gear

7. Well maintained lawns and gardens

The whole area is clean and well maintained especially the footpaths.

8. Turn right off the footpath and onto the track

Turn here off the footpath and onto the track

9. On the left there is another track

Take the track to the right and not across the road

10. This tree seems to have a canoe cut from it

Is this a canoe mark cut from the tree?

11. A small wetland area

There is a few ways to walk around the wetland here

12. A rotunda for a picnic

There is time for a picnic stop here

13. Through the walkway between the houses

There are loads of access points between the streets and houses

14. Plenty of birds nesting here

Keep an eye out for nesting birds

15. Walking track runs between houses and parks

The main walking track runs between houses and parks

16. A rural scene to admire

Take in some wonderful rural views whilst walking around the track

17. Watch out for the birds

Loads of birdlife in the area

18. A few rules

Just a few rules

19. The track is a little steep around here

The track drops down into the creek and is steep around here or climbs sharply depending on which way you travel around the track

20. The avenue

There is a freshly planted avenue of shrubs

21. Picnic and rest stop

There are ample picnic spots

22. A wetland view

A small wetland view

23. More seating

More seating beside the track

24. The wetland reeds are alongside

The track wanders through reeds on either side of the track

25. The wooden boardwalk

The boardwalk crosses the wetland

26. Tulaba Loop

The loop is a point where the Tulaba story is presented on a rock

27. Picnic point

A wonderful place for a picnic under trees

28. Track splits

The track parts here, the left track heads up a steep rise to the roadway and the right heads to a park and picnic area with wetlands again

29. Heading back to the wooden causeway

Head back along from the loop to the wooden causeway over the wetlands

30. A wetland view

Lovely wetland scenes

31. One View

One wetland view

32. 2nd wetland view

Another wetland view

33. Car Park

For people with wheelchairs that have someone to pick them up, this is a perfect car park as it is not used and has tons of room

34. Street View

The wider street view along Howitt Avenue

35. Howitt Avenue

The wider street view along Howitt Avenue

36. Back to the Supermarket

The Eastwood IGA Supermarket


Picnic spot Picnic spot
Seating available Seating available
Pram friendly Pram friendly
Historical interest Historical interest
Lake, creek, river Lake, creek, river
Park / Garden Park / Garden