Emma Gorge

Gibb River Wyndham Rd, Durack WA 6743, Australia

Emma Gorge

Gibb River Wyndham Rd, Durack WA 6743, Australia

Staff Pick
43 m
3.5 km

One hour walk up a pictureous gorge to 2 waterholes. The last waterhole features a waterfall & a small thermal water spring on the RHS. Both good for swimming.

Emma Gorge

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One hour walk up a pictureous gorge to 2 waterholes. The last waterhole features a waterfall & a small thermal water spring on the RHS. Both good for swimming.


From the Emma Gorge Resort car park follow the blue markers up the rocky gorge. Water & walking shoes required.

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Points of Interest

1. Aquamarine waterhole

Aquamarine waterhole

2. Waterfall & waterhole

Waterfall, waterhole & thermal spring


Picnic spot Picnic spot
Art and culture Art and culture