Polly's Walk, Strathbogie Tableland

Polly McQuinns Weir, Polly McQuinns / Galls Gap Rd., Strathbogie 3666

Polly's Walk, Strathbogie Tableland

Polly McQuinns Weir, Polly McQuinns / Galls Gap Rd., Strathbogie 3666

Staff Pick
31 m
2.09 km

A must see location for everyone visiting Strathbogie Tableland, Polly McQuinns Weir offers all you need for an exploratory walk, picnic outing and/or swimming.

Polly's Walk, Strathbogie Tableland

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A must see location for everyone visiting Strathbogie Tableland, Polly McQuinns Weir offers all you need for an exploratory walk, picnic outing and/or swimming.


On the Seven Creeks waterway, Polly McQuinns Weir sits above the sizeable and popular Polly McQuinns swimming hole. The two are connected by a natural spillway of granite pavement bookended with granite boulders, over and through which the weir overflow gushes and washes. Thereafter the waters are calmed in a natural basin before resuming their journey down the Seven Creeks gorge en route to Gooram Falls.

An eBird hot spot, with plenty of resident local wildlife, this special place also offers a beautiful riparian setting complete with picturesque mountain backdrops.

Downstream is home to one of few remaining extensive and secure native fish hatcheries for Trout Cod. No fishing is allowed - whether you are licensed or not. Polly McQuinns is a protected Wildlife Reserve.

There are several amenities that make the site particularly attractive for a day visit. The car parking area is large enough to accomodate groups of walkers, swimmers and paddlers on a summer's day. Picnic tables, a fire grate, informative interpretive signs and a long drop toilet provide for setting yourself up for a comfortable and protracted visit. Add in the various natural features of rocks to clamber over, water to play in, the weir wall and long tail to explore, or even just the opportunity to sit reading or lazily observing, and you have yourself a pretty damn nice place to spend some time.

Who was Polly McQuinn? The weir takes its name from an early settler who lived in the area. He was allegedly named Polly because he could not grow a beard. Local lore has it that when he was driving home in his horse and jinker one night he missed the bridge, fell into the water and drowned. There is a rumour that the waterhole is bottomless which is why no trace of him or his horse was ever found.

Polly McQuinns / Galls Gap Rd crosses the waterway via a bridge that has no footpath. This is not a busy road by any stretch, but visitors should certainly be mindful of passing vehicles.

Walking beside the tail of the weir has uneven ground and the track may be unclear. You can easily get to the road if necessary.

Car parking
Fire grate
Picnic tables
Public toilets
Trail head sign
Swimming hole
Information signs
Flora & fauna habitat

Cliff faces
Open water
Rocks may fall
Limbs may fall
Uneven ground
No potable water
Slippery surfaces
Subject to flooding
Snakes may be active
Tracks may not be clear
Beware of vehicle traffic
Carry food, water, First Aid, SunSmart
Mobile reception may be unreliable
Be mindful to keep within the Reserve

No dogs
No firearms
No hunting
No camping
No illegal fishing
Take rubbish with you
No firewood collection
Do not remove soil or rock
Native flora and fauna are protected
Fires only in places provided
Closed on days of total fire ban
No 4WD or motor bike access
Drivers/riders must: use formed roads only, be licensed, be registered

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Points of Interest

1. Picnic tables and fire pit

Close to the water and with plenty of surrounding space, the picnic facilities are well placed for your enjoyment.

2. Rakali

Sightings of this large and carnivorous, white-tailed native water rat are quite common along the Seven Creeks outflow from the swimming hole. They swim fast and dive quickly, so keep your eyes open.

3. Platypus

If you are keen enough to be present at either dawn or dusk a platypus sighting is possible. Polly's is an Australian Platypus Conservancy citizen science monitoring site.

4. A place for all seasons

The pool below the weir is a popular swimming spot in summer, contrasting colours present in autumn, cascading water dominates in winter and a surge of new life is to be observed in spring.

5. Threats to our wildlife

Sadly, introduced feral animals such as foxes and cats are also attracted to this place for its abundant supply of water and prey.

6. Granite pavement

Between the weir overflow and the pool below, water washes across boulders, rocks and water smoothed pavement. Flows vary significantly according to season.

7. Beware of vehicle traffic

To cross from one side of the Reserve to the other means using the roadway / bridge. There is no footpath. Beware of vehicle traffic.

8. Artist's delight

The setting has many features to attract the wandering artist's eye. Whether it be the water, rocks, topography, visitors or wildlife, there is something to generate interest.

9. Spectacular flows

During high rainfall events the amount of water coming over the weir wall can be very impressive. Enjoy observing the thundering display, but keep your distance from fast water.

10. Birdlife hot spot

With a recent species count of 45, bird watchers and photographers will take great pleasure in the diversity and proximity of local birdlife. This Reed Warbler is an elusive, but vocal quarry.

11. Icy winter

On frosty winter mornings the weir can freeze over with a thin crust of ice. This creates all sorts of attractive and novel imagery

12. Views to Mt Wombat

Dominating the north western skyline is one of the area's principal attractions, Mt Wombat Lookout.

13. Long drop toilet

A public toilet goes a long way if you want to make a day of it.


Picnic spot Picnic spot
Seating available Seating available
Public toilets Public toilets
Historical interest Historical interest
Nature trail Nature trail
Lake, creek, river Lake, creek, river