State Rose Garden Accessible Walk, Werribee South

K2 Rd., Werribee South 3030

State Rose Garden Accessible Walk, Werribee South

K2 Rd., Werribee South 3030

Staff Pick
30 m
.97 km
Very Easy

Since opening to the public in 1986, the State Rose Garden has delighted visitors from around the world. Walking or rolling amongst more than 5000 colorful blooms and their scents is a pleasure.

State Rose Garden Accessible Walk, Werribee South

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Since opening to the public in 1986, the State Rose Garden has delighted visitors from around the world. Walking or rolling amongst more than 5000 colorful blooms and their scents is a pleasure.


Find out more

Walk amongst the 5500 beautiful roses that fill the garden.

Is this walk accessible for me?
This walk is accessible for everyone. It is easy by foot, wheelchair or using other mobility aids.

How accessible is the path?
The paths crisscross the garden in the shape of a rose. They are compacted gravel in good condition. The garden has mild slopes. Grassy or bricked edges line the paths. There are no steps. After rain there may be some puddling.

There is room for side-by-side travel and wheelchair turning. Options for shorter walks exist. The path as mapped is at least 1.2 meters wide. Main paths are 2.5 meters wide. There are 2 exits: to the car park or Werribee Mansion. Mobile coverage is good.

Rest areas
The garden is well maintained. It has seats with arm rests. There is one gazebo with a ramped entry and room for wheelchairs. Seating inside is a bench around the wall.

The garden is exposed to the weather. Shelters are provided in the grassy area on the opposite side of the car park. There are no formed paths to these shelters. There is room for wheelchairs inside with wooden tables (not roll under) and benches. BBQs are in the open lawn. Please take your rubbish home with you.

The garden drinking fountain is an old bubbler and not easily accessible. Carry water.

The accessible toilet is at the end of the car park. It requires travelling 200 meters from the garden gateway along a gravel road. Driving may be the best option.

Dogs are not permitted (except assistance dogs).

4 off street accessible spaces are in the corner of the car park closest to the path to the garden. These have loading room to the rear. To avoid crossing the car park take the 100 meter path along the fence toward the large "State Rose Garden" archway at the entrance.

The car park surface is smooth, wide and flat, sealed or of compacted granitic sand. There is no road crossing.

Public Transport
Bus route 439 (Werribee Railway Station) stops 150 meters from the garden entry. Buses run approximately every hour. There is no shelter or seating. Passenger information is provided. Passengers alight beside a gravel road. There are no kerbs or road crossings. There is a taxi rank at Werribee Railway Station.

The following photos and descriptions provide more information regarding accessibility. Conditions may change. If you notice any variations, please let us know.

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“Walking and rolling together” is a partnership between Victoria Walks and Scope..

Logo Victoria Walks acknowledges the support of Access for All Abilities, an initiative of the Victorian Government.
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Points of Interest

1. Accessible parking

There are 4 accessible spaces in the off street car park. A compacted granitic sand path takes you to the large archway at the garden entrance.

2. Entrance archway

You can see the large metal entrance archway from the car park. This make the garden easy to find.

3. Signage

A sign at the entrance includes a map and information about the site.

4. Gazebo

Paths are formed into the shape of a rose with a gazebo at its center. This has a ramped entry.

5. An artist's delight

Whether by sketching, painting or photographing, the floral displays beg to be captured.

6. Masses of roses

It is easy to immerse yourself in the garden due to the sheer mass of roses.

7. A garden for all ages and abilities

Everyone can find something to enjoy.

8. The Federation Leaf and The Rosebud

Developed in the year 2000, 'The Federation Leaf' section added another 50 beds of roses and The Rosebud section 60 varieties of David Austin (English) roses. Note the lip to the paved Rosebud.

9. Seating

There are some seats with armrests along the main paths.

10. Pick your favorite

The variety is amazing. Trying to pick a favourite is a real challenge.

11. Many pathways

Paths vary in width. There are many options to explore. Nearly all are more than 1.2 meters wide. Main paths are 2.5 meters wide.

12. Shelters, BBQs and public toilets

On the opposite side of the car park beside a gravel road are shelters, BBQs and public toilets. The only formed path to a shelter is from the toilet block. BBQs are outside and surrounded by grass.

13. Accessible toilet

The accessible toilet is a basic older style. There is a concrete ramp to it from the gravel road. The door is 0.88 meters wide. The floor area is 3x2.15 meters.


Public Transport Public Transport
Picnic spot Picnic spot
Drinking water available Drinking water available
Seating available Seating available
Public toilets Public toilets
Pram friendly Pram friendly
Historical interest Historical interest
Art and culture Art and culture
Lake, creek, river Lake, creek, river
Park / Garden Park / Garden
Accessible walk Accessible walk