Guide Park & Wonthaggi Wetlands Accessible Walk

Guide Park S Dudley Rd., Wonthaggi 3995

Guide Park & Wonthaggi Wetlands Accessible Walk

Guide Park S Dudley Rd., Wonthaggi 3995

Staff Pick
1 h 30 m
4.75 km

This return walk or roll joins Guide Park and its many accessible features to looping paths around the ponds and coastal bushland of the lovely Wonthaggi Wetlands.

Guide Park & Wonthaggi Wetlands Accessible Walk

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This return walk or roll joins Guide Park and its many accessible features to looping paths around the ponds and coastal bushland of the lovely Wonthaggi Wetlands.


Is this walk accessible for me?
This walk is accessible to everyone. It can be done by foot, in a wheelchair or with other mobility aids.

What can I see?
You will visit a grassy park with an accessible play space and wetlands with pretty ponds that are home to waterbirds.

How accessible is the path?
A smooth, wide concrete path connects Guide Park to Wonthaggi Wetlands. One narrow street is crossed between the parks. Kerbs are ramped with tactile surfaces.

The lower loop paths in the Wetlands are smooth, firm, compacted granitic sand with some mild slopes. Boardwalks of textured plastic curve around pond edges. Boardwalk access points may have lips between the different pathway surfaces.

Note. The Wetlands higher eastern loop has a 20 metre, moderately steep slope. The electric wheelchair manages this. However, if steeper slopes are challenging for you, this loop does not have be taken to enjoy the Wetlands.

Walking paths are clearly defined and Wetlands map signs are provided. Directional signs are not.

There is space to turn a wheelchair and for side by side walking or rolling. Shorter routes and alternative pick up points are available. Mobile coverage is good.

There are areas of uneven ground and drops to the ponds from the Wetlands path. Boardwalks have bumper boards, but no railing.

Cyclists may share some paths.
Dogs must be on leash.

Rest areas
Guide Park has shelters. The path to the Wetlands and within the Wetlands has shade from overhead trees.

Guide Park has accessible BBQs, and roll under picnic tables. There is an accessible water fountain in Guide Park only, so carry water to the Wetlands. Bins are provided.

Seating is available in both areas, including some with armrests.

Guide Park has an accessible toilet and a MLAK Changing Places bathroom.

Guide Park has 4 accessible off street parking spaces on the entry driveway. All have protected side zones. Rear loading is to the driveway. The surface is sealed, smooth and flat. Driveway traffic is slowed by speed humps and a terminal roundabout.

There is a smooth, firm gravel car park at Wonthaggi Wetlands for those who do not wish to walk or roll the walking path between the 2 reserves.

Public Transport
There are no bus stops at Guide Park.

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The following photos and descriptions provide more information regarding accessibility. Conditions may change. If you notice any variations, please let us know.

“Walking and rolling together: accessible walking trails for people with disability” is a partnership between Victoria Walks and Scope

Logo Victoria Walks acknowledges the support of Access for All Abilities, an initiative of the Victorian Government.
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Points of Interest

1. Guide Park accessible features

There are accessible car parks with protected side zones, accessible shelters, water and armrest seats on a paved base to the footpath - plus a pedestrian crossing across the car park.

2. Guide Park accessible toilets

The toilet block includes an accessible toilet (door 0.86 metres, floor area 2.05x2.75 metres). There is a MLAK changing places bathroom - key required. There are no kerbs between parking and paths.

3. Guide Park shelters

Guide Park shelters include roll under picnic tables and space for wheelchairs to turn.

4. Accessible play space

The accessible play space references the region's coal mining history. It includes accessible picnic tables and BBQs.

5. Guide Park pathways

The path through Guide Park is smooth concrete 1.6 metres wide.

6. The connecting path

The path connecting Guide Park and Wetlands uses the same green corridor as Nyora-Wonthaggi Rail Trail, but a different path. It is smooth concrete 2 metres wide. Mobility aid users say it is easy.

7. Heron Drive road crossing

There is one road crossing between Guide Park and the Wetlands at Heron Drive. Kerbs are ramped with tactile pads. You will also come across an outdoor sculpture and the Nyora-Wonthaggi Rail Trail.

8. Wetlands car park

For those people not wanting to walk or roll between the 2 reserves, there is a gravel car park at the Wetlands. Bins are also provided here. Note: there are no toilets or water fountains.

9. Alternative pick up locations

There are various vehicle access points to the walking path for those who need a shorter route or change their mind along the way. Mobile coverage is good.

10. Wonthaggi Wetlands map sign

At the Wetlands car park entry a map of the looping paths greets you. Note that the largest loop on the right has a 20 metre moderate slope which may challenge some people. If so, skip this loop.

11. Wetlands pathways

Wetlands pathways are generally smooth, firm, of compacted granitic sand and 2.5 metres wide.

12. Informative signs

There are informative signs describing the Wetlands ecosystems.

13. Boardwalks

Boardwalks are 1.5 metres wide with a textured plastic surface. Lips may be present where boardwalks meet the compacted granitic sand of the walking paths.

14. A popular nature walk

The Wetlands appeal to all ages and abilities for the easy walking or rolling amongst lush greenery.

15. Coastal vegetation and wildlife

The Wetlands are home to a beautiful remnant of coastal forest and its wildlife.

16. The moderate slope

This 20 metre slope is on the outermost loop path around the Wetlands. This loop does not need to be taken. The other loops have mild slopes only and offer plenty of pleasant walking or rolling.

17. Pond life.

The well populated ponds are busy with interesting pond life.

18. Wetlands seating

Seating and picnic tables are provided within the wetlands. Note not all have armrests and may require crossing grassy surfaces to access them.


Playground Playground
Picnic spot Picnic spot
Drinking water available Drinking water available
Seating available Seating available
Public toilets Public toilets
Pram friendly Pram friendly
Historical interest Historical interest
Art and culture Art and culture
Nature trail Nature trail
Lake, creek, river Lake, creek, river
Park / Garden Park / Garden
Accessible walk Accessible walk