Wonganookah wildflower walk, Marraweeney

Cnr Wonganookah Track & Bonnie Doon Rd., Marraweeney 3669

Wonganookah wildflower walk, Marraweeney

Cnr Wonganookah Track & Bonnie Doon Rd., Marraweeney 3669

Staff Pick
1 h 14 m
4.91 km

An easy and pretty walk through a herb rich Peppermint Gum Forest Bushland Reserve, this walk includes a return stretch along the attractive Wonganookah Track.

Wonganookah wildflower walk, Marraweeney

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An easy and pretty walk through a herb rich Peppermint Gum Forest Bushland Reserve, this walk includes a return stretch along the attractive Wonganookah Track.


The Wonganookah Track and Boho Bushland Reserve can certainly be enjoyed any time of year. However, spring does see the growth of a diversity of wildflowers that add a special quality to your walking. Once you discover one species, you can't stop looking for the next one. Hence, the emphasis on some of the many wildflowers you can find in the photos. Markers on the map identify roughly where each species was found.

The tall Peppermint Gum moist forest of the Boho Bushland Reserve is approximately 12HA. It has a herb rich grassy ground layer and an abundant mid story of Acacias, Bush Cherry and Dogwood. However, it is not so busy you can't readily free range across the Reserve to explore and discover. This is one of the pleasures of the space. Be aware free ranging adds both distance and time to your walk.

Added to this is the pleasant walk up and back along the undulating Wonganookah Track. There are plenty of observations to make along the way here as well. The whole of Marraweeney only has a population of around 50 people, so traffic is minimal. Be mindful nonetheless.

Car parking
Flora and fauna habitat

Limbs may fall
Uneven ground
No potable water
Slippery surfaces
Snakes may be active
Tracks may not be clear
Beware of vehicle traffic
Be equipped for self-reliant hiking
Mobile reception may be unreliable
Be mindful to keep within the Reserve
Carry food, water, First Aid, be SunSmart

No dogs
Take rubbish with you
No rubbish dumping
No firewood collection
Do not remove soil or rock
No theft of forest produce
Native flora and fauna are protected
Do not remove timber from standing trees
No fires in the open
Closed on days of total fire ban
No 4WD or motor bike access
Drivers/riders must: use formed roads only, be licensed, be registered

Other walks in the region:
Watkins walk

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Points of Interest

1. Parking

There is plenty of room for parking at the eastern end of Wonganookah Track.

2. Wetland

This unexpected wetland features early in the walk.

3. Forest birds

There are an abundance of forest birds to hear and see, such as this Spotted Pardalote.

4. Easy walking

Wonganookah Track is an easy walk through attractive forest along a two wheel dirt track. There is a mild rise at the beginning of the return leg.

5. Explore the Bushland Reserve

Take the first foot trail on the right to enter the Bushland. This is open woodland, so you can choose to stick to this trail to and from the Track or free range. At only 12HA, you can't get lost.

6. Creamy Candles

Stackhousia monogyna are a perennial herb with flower laden spikes of up to 30cm high.

7. Twining Glycine

Glycine clandestina is an indigenous climber ascending to 2m in height.

8. Common Bird Orchids

Finding an orchid during wildflower season is always a treat. Chiloglottis valida is a terrestrial orchid to 7cm. It has a deep throat that provides an attractive runway for a pollinating wasp.

9. Nodding Greenhood Orchid and Cicada shell

Pterostylis nutrans has an almost translucent flower. This one was found with a moulted Cicada shell nearby.

10. Kangaroo Apple

Solanum aviculare has purple flowers forming fruit that ripen from orange to red

11. Handsome Flat-pea

Platylobium formosum is a shrub of up to 1.5m with showy yellow and red flowers that make for a bright contrast against the greens of the bush.

12. Purple Coral Pea

Hardenbergia violacea is a vigorous climber that adds anything from dashes to masses of colour along the track.


Nature trail Nature trail